Sunday, February 14, 2021

Now Presenting...

I’m beyond thrilled to announce my next book! I will not be giving too much away in this blog post but, as it is the day of romance, I thought it would be a great time to let you all know that I will be releasing a new book later this year! Here's a little video I made to tease the release (I recommend headphones - the sound it pretty cool!)


As you can see, the title is The Depths of Time. Those of you who have been following me for a while will know it as Project Hawthorne. It is an erotic M/M (male/male) time travel romance and I think that’s all I’m going to say for now. I will add that it is based around something I am very passionate about and a lot of time, effort and love went into this book. I’ll be sharing more as the release grows closer, but just know that I am very excited to share it with you all!


And, for those of you wondering, it is NOT the second book in my Unexpected Mergers series. This is a standalone novel and I don’t see myself doing a series of time travel books (though it has been suggested).


Please let me know if you’re ready to learn more! I hope you all follow this journey as it promises to be a fun ride! 

Happy Valentine's Day, loves!


Sunday, February 7, 2021

MillWordY Update for January 2021

What a start to the new year! Let’s get into the stats!


January Statistics

Project Cowboy: 53,193

Project Monster: 4,218

Project Home: 20,204

Random Projects: 1,633

Total Words for January: 79,248

Total Words for Challenge: 252,750/600,000

I rewrote Cowboy in December and sent it to beta readers in January. It’s too bad that the manuscript was crap and it had to be rewritten a THIRD TIME! I had to completely reoutline as well, so it’s an entirely new story. I am trying to get it done before the end of February so I can send it to beta readers before March. My deadline has been extended so hopefully I can get this out there soon! I will say that it has been the most productive month so far. I worked overtime to get it done and will be for some time to come. Let’s see how I did goal-wise…


January Goals

✔ Average 1k on writing days

✔ Get Cowboy to betas

 Write first draft of Monster


The only thing I managed to do was get Cowboy out, after which I started rewriting again. I also managed to write everyday, but Monster has been put on hold. However, due to the insane word count for the month and unforeseen circumstances, I will give myself a pass. Let’s set some new goals.  Next month…


February Goals

~ Average 1k on writing days

~ Finish FINAL rewrites of Cowboy (hopefully)

~ Get Cowboy to betas (again)

~ Classified

I feel confident that I can complete these few tasks. Hopefully, my next update will be more exciting. Until then!


Love always,

Lori Fayre

Romance Tropes: One Bed

Welcome to a new series where I break down classic romance tropes and give my opinions. First up is a well-known and well-loved trope: “Ther...