Sunday, June 6, 2021

Quitting MillWordY

Hello, lovelies. This is a hard blog post to write and one that I’ve been thinking about for some time. In case you haven’t noticed, I am officially stopping MillWordY. For now.

When I first started, it was exciting. The prospect of somehow writing one million words in a year was an achievement that I wanted to claim. It progressed and I realized I would have to do a half MillWordY – disappointing, but not impossible, I thought.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Life doesn’t care about what you want to achieve. Life will get in the way and throw struggles at you until you’re sobbing because you haven’t had sleep in a week and you’re starting to hallucinate.

This is not to say that you should give up, not at all. But it is to say that you should learn your limits, push those limits, but not to the point that you break yourself in the process. I have learned that I don’t have the time or energy to write as much as I wanted to. Yes, that’s sad, but I still have time to write and that’s what’s important.

I’m going to keep writing, but I’m also going to make time for my family and friends and drawing and reading. I myself cannot handle the pressures that come with participating in MillWordY. This is me being very real with you all. And it is so difficult to post something like this that makes it seem like I give up easily.

In the future, I would love to give this another try. One day, when I’m more capable of handling it. As of this time, I’m not mentally or creatively where I need to be to do such a daunting challenge. I hope I haven’t disappointed anyone who was doing this challenge along with me.

And for those of you still trying for a million words, keep going! I’m here to cheer you on and I want each and every one of you to succeed! Let me know if you’re still going, where you’re at, and what it means to you. Everyone experiences this differently. I know one of my personal friends participating and she is blowing it out of the water!

Until next time, lovelies, keep writing.

Love always,

Lori Fayre

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