Some of you might have noticed that I was absent for the past couple of months. This is nothing new – I’ve struggled with keeping a working schedule since I became a writer. Add that to my annoyance at social media, and you have the perfect recipe for inconsistency. But, this time, it wasn’t life problems getting in the way or a massive case of writer’s block. This time, it was simply burnout.
So, I took some time. I reprioritized and I absolutely did not
write anything. It was only after a month of not writing that I realized how
much I missed it. I wanted to write and talk about writing and read about
writing. I missed my writing community on social media (even if posting on a regular
schedule is a chore).
This small blog post has been to let you know that I am back
and I love writing! My next book is in the works and I’m ready to share it.
Another thing to take away is that it’s okay to take a break when you’re burnt
out. It doesn’t mean the journey’s over or you should give up. It simply means
that you should put it on the shelf, take a rest, and if it’s what you truly
love, you’ll be thrilled to get back into it when the time is write!