Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Pressure of Writing a Series

                When I decided to turn writing into a career, I told myself I didn’t want to do a series. I write shorter novels to begin with, so a series seemed like too much. If there was enough story, maybe I could do a sequel, but that would be it. Again, that’s what I told myself.

Cut to me today, working on the second book in a three-part series. Huzzah!

When I was approached, I agreed because there was enough story. I loved the characters and world I had created and wanted to stay a bit longer. But, now that I’m working on it, I realize the true reason I didn’t want to in the beginning- the pressure.

I don’t deal well with pressure, and knowing that there will be an audience out there ready for the next book makes me want to rush. I can’t sacrifice quality, though, leaving me in this strange limbo of wanting to write quickly, but not too quickly.

There’s no moral to this post- this is one where I’m just getting my thoughts out. But I can already tell you all this is easier than I thought it would be, and the stories are (in my opinion) just as good as the first. My goal is to be open and honest with my struggles, and that means telling you that writing a series, for me at least, is hard!

I’m one to lose inspiration and motivation easily, making deadlines and long novels something I don’t like to deal with. I’m very much an at-my-own-pace worker. Sadly, I don’t have any advice as I am still working through this, but I was hoping to start a discussion. How do you do under pressure? Are you working on a series? Do you often find it difficult? Please, let me know, as I’m always excited to talk to fellow writers!

As for me, it’s back to the keyboard as I work on this book. I refuse to let it beat me!

Love always,

Lori Fayre

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