Sunday, September 15, 2019

Priorities and Making Time…

I’ve been in a rut lately and have plenty of excuses to justify it to myself. I’ve told myself that I’m focused on getting my first book out, but edits are done and everything’s planned so there’s nothing to do except wait. I’ve told myself that I’m taking time to refill my creative well, which is important! But, let’s be honest, binge-watching Versailles might be helping but I only need so much inspiration.

There have been days when I simply wasn’t up to the task, with either a mental or physical ailment keeping me away from my computer. During those times, it’s good to step back and take a breath, recommended even. But, a majority of my set-back has been me sitting in front of a blank screen and a dial-up tone emitting from my brain. I’ll just call it an off day and plop down in front of the TV. This is a bad thing.

You can have off days, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I’ll be real with y’all: I am being lazy. Maybe I do deserve a break. My first book is coming out soon, I already have a second ready to submit, and I’m halfway through a third. All of this in less than a year! But I know I can keep writing. The story is there, I have plenty of time, and I really do want to write. There just comes a point where you have to make it a priority.

I don’t want to have just this handful of books! I have too many stories to tell! That’s when it becomes about making writing a priority. I know plenty of other authors with much less time on their hands who come out with bigger books than mine.

I guess this is the moral of the story: Take time for the important things in life, just don’t confuse doing important things with being lazy. If your dream is to be a writer, an artist, a dancer…make it a priority. It’s worth it. (And I will try to start following my own advice.)

Sorry if this is a little hard to read. I’m just trying to get my idea’s out and, like I mentioned, my brain isn’t wanting to cooperate!

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